Tuesday, September 30, 2014

We are having.....

A BOY!!!!!
We couldn't be happier. Little brothers are the sweetest. We feel so blessed.

Tractors, Babies, Leaves, and More Visitors

The Past few weeks have been filled up with another round of visitors. Our last for a while, but definitely not the least. In the few days between Erin and Jesse going and Polly and Jeff coming we laid low. Lots of walks, bike rides, and plenty of napping. We had a last little heat wave of 80 degree weather and now it has dipped in the 50s and 60s. We savored some time with Granny Polly and Papa Jeff and had the last of our family birthday celebrations on Liam's actual birthday, September 25th. 
I can't believe my baby is 2! But I love the little boy he is and welcome the years to come with open arms. 
Im ready to settle into cozy fall and lazy evenings. Andrew and I are planning a baby moon to Chicago in November (so excited!) and the holiday will be here before we know it. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Before and After

A little bit random but here is a before and after of our bathroom. You know when you are in the midst of a project that seems endless and then you actually take time to look at how much you have gotten done? Its a good feeling. So thankful for my really talented hard working husband who can do anything!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Friends Come to Minneapolis

Nothing like best friends coming for the first time to your new home! Erin and Jesse where just here for 3 days and we had all the fun! Walks, fried food, shooting guns, exploring the city, bably-less night out, and lots of down time relaxing. It was perfect. 
I feel so blessed to have people in our life who really know us, and understand us, and who we can share life with. 
Fall just keeps rolling in and we are savoring every minute of it. We have been heading out on our bikes quite a bit and filling the house with cozy rugs to prepare for colder weather. Tea is on the menu  every night after Liam goes to bed. The weather has been crisp but in the mid 70s. I plan and planting bulbs for spring in the coming weeks and Liam and I have been on many leaf collecting outings. 
I just started up a bible study again that has been really wonderful. Life is busy and full and we are just trying to savor every minute of it.