We started off the new year slow and calm, with what I think will be a new tradition, a simple breakfast in bed, and a movie. Coffee, toast, strawberries, and yogurt, and this year Dumbo (have you seen dumbo lately? quite interesting... but thats a completely separate topic).
Andrew and I aren't big new years resolution makers but I do think it is lovely to take time to think of themes for the year and do some reordering. A couple of things I have been thinking about...
2014 was a year of clean up, we moved, started fresh in a new house all our own, we purged a lot of items and have been careful to only replace them with things we love. We did a lot of mental purging of thoughts and habits and ways of thinking. It was a year of a lot of healing.
2015 we are calling a year of new beginnings. A fresh start.
I want to focus on a few specific things myself, but I read this on a blog I like the other day and some of it really spoke to me, the blog is http://www.deercircus.com/
The post was titled "How to Enjoy Your Life"
1. Decide to fall in love with your imperfections.
2. It's better to be kooky.
3. Eschew petty things people have said to you -- things that have hurt, offended, belittled, misunderstood you. Your life will improve drastically when you decide to ignore these bits.
4. Give compliments constantly. (But only ones you mean.)
5. Do everything more slowly. Convince yourself that everything you do -- every time you cross a room, button your blouse, read a book, say hello, listen to someone -- is art, and you will be more graceful for it.
6. Worry less about having interesting answers, and more about asking interesting questions.
7. Be kind to everyone.
8. But also know when to walk away. And do it.
9. Cultivate the friendships that make you a more compelling person.
10. Read more books.
11. Go the mirror (now) and smile. It is important to see yourself smile.
12. Decide to enjoy whatever you are doing, in the moment.
13. Making up songs about whatever you're doing is immeasurably helpful in enacting #12.
14. Learn to entertain other people's beliefs and inclinations -- without adopting them yourself. You will be gentler and more loving for this.
15. Stop worrying so much about what other people have/are doing. Social comparison is the heartiest killjoy, and you, my dear, are above such things. Decide, right now, to be happy about what you have.
16. Keep a notebook with you, and write down the funny things you overhear at the post office, single lines for potential poems, words you like, things you see.
17. Eat delicious food that is good for you.
18. Walk everywhere (as much as possible).
19. Delight in other people's happiness.
20. Believe that romance is everywhere (and it is).
I especially like 6, 12, and 14. Since we are going to have 2 little kiddos here so soon (next month we will have another little person in our life eeeek!!) I know I will be spending more time at home and am thinking about how to embrace that season. I know it will not be one of calm solitude like when you are totally alone, but if you are a stay at home mom you know it can be very lonely at times. I am thinking of ways to embrace solitude and the slow time alone while giving my attention to two little boys. Presence is not something I am very good at, I often find it hard to live in the moment and not always be thinking and planning ahead. I read this Celtic blessing this morning and especially love the last paragraph.
Cheers to a New Year, one of new beginnings and presence!!
A Blessing of Solitude
(the phrases in parenthesis are my own interjections)
May you recognize in your life the presence, power and light of your soul.
May you realize that you are never alone
that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe (I would say God).
May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.
May you realize that the shape oft your soul is unique, that you have a special destiny here (I would say purpose)
that behind the facade of your life there is something beautiful, good and eternal happening.
May you learn to see your self with the same delight, pride and expectation with which God sees you in every moment.