Monday, March 9, 2015

Life with 2 little boys

Having two little guys under the age of two and a half is not for the faint of heart that is for sure! Liam is doing great and has embraced his role as big brother beautifully, we are really proud of him. But it is not without its challenges. He is definitely testing the boundaries and although he has accepted Grayson and showers him with love and affection, he is not always the most happy with us. Its hard sharing mommy and daddy. Some of the funnier moments from the past 2 weeks include the following:
It has finally warmed up and we have been taking lots of walks. Today Liam fell face first in the mud so when we got home I stripped him down naked to avoid mud all over the house. Just at that moment Grayson started wailing. When I went to tend to him and started nursing him thinking Liam would be fine naked for a few minutes,  Liam who is 90% potty trained started waddling over to me with his hand around his back and cupping his butt. Immediately I realize he has caught a poop coming out and was trying to hold it in!!! Try cleaning that up while nursing. (Sigh)
Liam who is a great sleeper has been waking up at 5:40 am every morning without fail, Grayson on the other hand sleeps in to 7am!
There has been lots of talk about anatomy in our house since we are constantly changing diapers and Liam is very intrigued about what makes someone a boy. So today Liam came up to me and told me underneath his weener is his balls... oh man, boys...
In a very cranky and childish moment in the car on the way to church, I poutingly told Andrew "I don't even want to go to church." Liam says to me from the back seat, "Excuse me mommy, I don't want to go to church either." Parenting fail!
Although I feel like I am literally up to my elbows in poop, I couldn't be happier : )

And now for an obnoxious amount of photos....

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