Friday, December 23, 2016

More Than I Asked For

Here are a few pictures spanning from Thanksgiving up until today. And a simple but profound thought from Liam. 
The other day Liam asked me "Why does Santa bring me even more than I ask for?" When I asked what he meant he explained to me that he doesn't understand how Santa gives more than just the few things he wished for and how he knows other things he likes, and anticipates things he may like that are beyond what he even knew existed for him to like!? And this idea got me thinking. I didn't grow up believing in Santa. He just wasn't part of the German traditions my family observed. When we had the boys I wasn't sure I wanted to bring the Santa thing into our tradition, it always seemed a bit odd to me. But when talking with a dear friend she told me how much her belief in Santa reinforced a very special part of her belief in God. Not the whole you get what do deserve naughty or nice, we sort of leave that part out. But Santa is the magical lavish gift giver! Who comes every year no matter the circumstances (like when we had hand foot and mouth last year), no matter the weather, no matter your mood. And he knows you and your likes and desires, and beyond. He not only gives the things you asked for but he lavishes gifts, big and small, and considers your individual longings. And more and more that is how I find God to be. He is the great blesser and giver of gifts. Not in the way I had always wanted or imagined. And I am not talking about hard lessons as gifts. I am talking about blessings, big and small, requested and unanticipated. He has blessed me in ways I never knew I wanted or needed or would even have known to ask for. When you look for those blessings that are all around, all the time. Nature is one of those great gifts I notice more and more. It is always there, ever present, ready to reveal bits of beauty and the story of new life and renewal, just go out and look! So my wish is that you would view Him that way this season. Feel the lavishing of his love and kindness and blessing. He wants to bless us no matter our current circumstances. 

Below are some lyrics from a song Andrew wrote for Advent:

In the midst of our longing 
Sorrows will cease
For the light of the Son
Soon shall we see
May the hope of the savior
Help you persist
May the dawn of His Kingdom
Be on your lips

Come, like a flower in the spring
Give us eyes that can see
May you fill all the earth with your beauty 
Come, with the Angels we'll sing
As we wait for the King
The redeemer of hearts is coming

The sun is upon us
So stand in its light
May the reign of our sin
Leave with the night
Make ready your hearts now
Let all people hear, as we wait for the promise
Salvation draws near 

Come, like a flower in the spring
Give us eyes that can see
May you fill all the earth with your beauty 
Come, with the Angels we'll sing
As we wait for the King
The redeemer of Hearts is coming

1 comment:

  1. i really miss you guys everyday. comforting to see your smiles
